I'm having a bit of a hard time deciding on how much to reveal of the placing, how quickly .. as it is, in a way, relevant to things that are not to happen for some time. I can promise, though, that I do myself know of the placing - I guess that's something! Finding a ballance between being too cryptic, and having too much bad exposé, most certainly is challenging.
Thanks a lot for the policing offer ... I'd be most happy to take it :-D .. PMing you my e-mail address.
I probably could use some plothole policing too, with time .. which is of course harder, when it's not known where the story is going. Well .. obvious blunders will hopefully be catchable.
As for why he ows the visitor an explanation: He had been talking of things he thought his visitor was aware of ... but wasn't. So he noticed that his visitor had taken an interest in his life - possibly offering him a way out of his current situation - without actually knowing anything about him. Thus, it seemed polite to tell him more about his life, considering the interest the visitor had invested in it. I guess it could have been phrased better. Maybe I still should - or would fixing a chapter already online be too Orwellian?
OK, you're on. As for plothole stuff, I'd like to do that too, but can't guarantee the time/attention, with life the way it is currently, and don't want to let you down. If I spot things as I go along, I'll tell you, but won't promise more. It would be a good idea, anyway, to have two critical readers at your beck and call.
or would fixing a chapter already online be too Orwellian? Who cares? I regard the LJ as a more private site, with friends reading, before posting elsewhere. Change after feedback, if there's stuff that needs changing.
Yeah .. having multiple critical readers would be good. Kribu is willing to play plothole police, but doesn't believe her English to be good/native enough to play language police (the silly woman!)
My sister offered to be a critical reader in both aspects. However, as she needed literally 3/4ths of a year to read through the supershort version of this story I gave her a year ago ... I think that is one pain in the butt I shall avoid. Also, she thought that the wandlore in DH made perfect sense.
Thanks a lot for the policing offer ... I'd be most happy to take it :-D .. PMing you my e-mail address.
I probably could use some plothole policing too, with time .. which is of course harder, when it's not known where the story is going. Well .. obvious blunders will hopefully be catchable.
As for why he ows the visitor an explanation: He had been talking of things he thought his visitor was aware of ... but wasn't. So he noticed that his visitor had taken an interest in his life - possibly offering him a way out of his current situation - without actually knowing anything about him. Thus, it seemed polite to tell him more about his life, considering the interest the visitor had invested in it. I guess it could have been phrased better. Maybe I still should - or would fixing a chapter already online be too Orwellian?
or would fixing a chapter already online be too Orwellian?
Who cares? I regard the LJ as a more private site, with friends reading, before posting elsewhere. Change after feedback, if there's stuff that needs changing.
My sister offered to be a critical reader in both aspects. However, as she needed literally 3/4ths of a year to read through the supershort version of this story I gave her a year ago ... I think that is one pain in the butt I shall avoid. Also, she thought that the wandlore in DH made perfect sense.
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