i've been playing, and occasionally DMing, in a D&D gaming group that's been running 4th ed for most of this year, and it's been an awesomely good time. sadly, our collective schedules seem to have become overwhelmed, and it has been functionally impossible to schedule a game that enough people can attend. i'm not giving up hope that we can make it happen, but i thought, given the specifics of the session i want to run, that i'd reach out to any other gamers with 4th ed experience.
i have a one-shot adventure with pre-made characters that i really want to play, which happens to be tangential to one of our party storylines. it is a stand alone run and features characters that will appear as NPCs in one of our regular party adventures. as such anyone could join in to play one of these characters for this specific session and then be done with it. min commitment max fun!
anyone interested? all you need is some familiarity with 4th ed. and about 5-6ish hours in your schedule. if you've not played 4th ed yet, but want to give it a shot, this could be a good chance for that too. we should talk about that a bit first though, since the pre-made characters for this aren't cookie cutter, so it will take some prep to be able to play them to their fullest if you've not played 4th ed yet.
as i said, i'm still trying to get my regular group in on this, but i just wanted to put out some feelers to see if any of you'd like to play. just let me know, and i'll be in touch when we get around to scheduling.