Mar 23, 2010 09:44
i've been picking up scraps, remnants and other flotsam lately all in the name of working on my band costume. i haven't collected a tremendous amount at this point, so i thought i'd reach out to see if any of you have stuff that i could take off your hands. i'm definitely short on trimming, so if you have any trim, fringe, embroidery thread or other decorative clothing stuff that you want to unload, i'd love to take a look at it. additionally, any scrap fabric or leather that you have could also be a big help. i'm looking for things in autumnal colors and earth tones. patterns are cool, but not bright colors. a little bit of flare is also ok, but not sequins, rhinestones, etc.
if you've got anything that you want to give to a good project, (it doesn't have to be a lot of it, every little piece has possibility!) just let me know! :)