Anyone who loves ENSMB, loves HONK! it is a glorious celebration and all out musical extravaganza, and it's coming again this fall OCT 9-11 for it's biggest iteration yet! but in order for it to be a success, we need your help!
Please join us next Thursday at the HONK! Community Meeting, May 28th 7:00-8:30 PM at the West Branch Library in Davis Square. This meeting is a great way to learn about this year's festival and find out what little (or big!) things you can do to help out.
HONK! is community-driven action, and that means we need your help. The local love and support of our festival continues to grow, and we're certain that with your help, this year's festival will be the best yet.
Among other things, we need folks who are available before and during the festival to:
- promote the weekend's events
- make sure bands get where they're going
- house musicians
- feed, transport, wrangle, inform, collect donations and so much more!
This year is going to be a wonderful combination of the HONK! veterans you know and love, and exciting new bands coming to HONK! for the first time. there's an all women's band from New Orleans, bands from Italy and Amsterdam, new friends we made at HONK! West in Seattle, and some of your local favorites too. ;)
For HONK! updates visit Please join us and be a part of this amazing experience! Hope to see you May 28th!
Volunteer for HONK!
HONK! Community Meeting, May 28th, 2009
7:00-8:30 PM at the West Branch Library in Davis Square, 40 College Ave.
Print out and distribute a copy of our flyer Become a fan of Honk! on Facebook.