[ENSMB] call for art/costume/production staff

Dec 31, 2007 14:03

now that our auditions are done with and our director can start doing her thing, we need to begin finding people to help out with the aesthetic aspects of the show. i am interested in speaking with any artist who would like to get invovled with this project, including graphic artists, painters, costumers, sculptors, make up artists, set designer/builders, etc. basically we need a small army of artists and craftspeople of all stripes. :) please help to spread the word to any talented artist friends you have, and of course let me know if you yourself want to help out.

for now, i am just beginning to gauge interest and compile a list of people that want to get invovled in some fashion. regardless of how much time and energy you can committ to this project, we just want to know in what capacity you are interested in getting invloved.

additionally, we do have two very important positions to fill and i would very much appreciate it if you let me know if you or someone you know might fit the bill. these two positions are art director and costume designer.

for art director, we need a person to oversee the visual aesthetic of the show, and organize the people working on the various visual elements and contribute their own work as well. this person should be willing to execute our ideas, as well as contributing significantly with their own vision. having a theater background would obviously be helpful, as would having experience supervising group creative projects. we're really looking for the right talented artist that is interested in collaborating with us.

the costume designer is an equally important role, as they will be supervising the costumes for the show. this person need not design and construct everything, as we will have several people helping out with execution, but he/she will organize and oversee all of the costume work. as with the art director, this person will need to be able to work within our vision, as well as contributing with their own ideas.

please spread the word far and wide!

ensmb, call for help

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