Dec 26, 2004 21:47
So yeah, I had to work today. It sucked. Well, it wasn't that bad. There were fun people to work with, and I enjoyed it... a little too much. I wrote my manager a note to never schedule me at the door again, because I'm revolting against that whore who decides that all I'm worthy of doing is standing and greeting people. I decided to be mean today and move far away from the door and just stand there for a while, and I refused to greet people, and finally one of the nice supervisors got the point and moved me... even though I ended up going back to the Service Desk and talking with everyone for another hour...
I'm so going to get fired soon.
Anyway, let's update you on my fun Xmas I had yesterday! Boy was it fun! I guess the fact that my dad lost his job and my grandma is in the hospital (and probably won't be getting out anytime soon) is just making me full of Christmas spirit! I wish every Xmas was like this!
And I hope you can all see the sarcasm spewing out of that last sentence...
Anyway, I'm going to bed. I'm going to enjoy my three days off no matter what ANYONE says. *Smuggles the computer in his room and blocks himself off from everyone for the next 72 hours*