Nov 25, 2004 22:58
You know... you don't realize how much holidays suck until you hafta work on one :p I mean... really, holidays suck when you hafta work. I think I've worked every big holiday so far this year- 4th of July, Halloween, and well, I can add Halloween to that list. At least it was only til like 9:30, so that was cool. I hafta wake up really early tomorrow cause I work at 6 and I need at least a half hour to walk to work... which means I'll be getting up at 5:15am! Yay for me! And it's like, what, 11 now? So I'll be getting... 5 hours of sleep if I go to sleep now? How ghetto :p
Oh yeah, I'm thieving this:
Choose a band or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: Ryan Cabrera
Are you male or female: True
Describe yourself: Lost Again
How do some people feel about you: Take It All Away
How do you feel about yourself: Blind Sight
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Yesterday's Gone
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Mirage
Describe where you want to be: Last Winter
Describe what you want to be: On The Way Down
Describe how you live: Exit To Exit
Describe how you love: Shame On Me
Share a few words of wisdom: Let's Take Our Time