Hmmm... I haven't updated for a while...

Apr 11, 2004 18:09

It looks as though Spring Break has come and gone... and there was one thing I hoped that wouldn't happen during this Spring Break... but it happened anyway...

You see, like all High School students, I think it's safe to say I have issues when it comes to getting my homework done. I told myself each day that I was going to get my homework done today, so I wouldn't need to wait until Sunday night to do it. Well, as each day slipped past I found myself saying "Hmm, I can do it tomorrow." And it happened day... after day... after day... until... well, today. Now I'm stuck here, with homework that I'm not really wanted to do... and I don't think that I'm going to do it.

And now, I'm kinda bummed that I'm pretty sure I've done something wrong when it comes to school. I'm just not really into it anymore, and the fact is there so much I COULD be doing for it right now that I just don't care about. My grades are exactly great, so it's like... okay, what do I do? I study and I fail, okay, so that makes lots of sense. I've decided that for these last 2 months of school to actually study, do my work, and hope that I can get my grades back up to what they were last semester. I also probably should sign up for SATs so I can take them next year to improve my grade and what not...

Hmm... what else has happened... oh, I finally got my permit. It took me forever to finally convince my mom to let me get my license, so that's cool. I start my driver's training thing on Sunday, and I'm not sure why, but I'm really nervous about. Something about me behind the wheel of a car scares the crap outta me and I don't know why. It's not like I'm AFRAID, but like... I dunno, just nervous I guess. But I really want my license so I can stop depending on other people, which seems to be the theme of my life.

I've also found myself addicted to Avril Lavigne... I know, shoot me now.

Now... there was something else I was gonna talk about it, but I'm being distracted by... a certain someone... Curse you...
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