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Jan 01, 2007 07:16

this year was totally fucked up &surreal. i can't believe it's january now &i don't know how time went by so fast. god's been taking a shit on my life lately &i hope that asshole will spare me a bit in 2007. not too much is new. i went to tify fest in daytona. i was supposed to drive up to jenny's wedding (which i feel horrible about not going to. congratulations, honey pie) &then to indiana for a couple weeks after the fest but i'm doing the smart thing &atleast not leaving florida til i get my license back &i forgot all about renewing my registration too. i'm going home tuesday morning &i'm gonna take care of as much shit that i've neglected as possible, starting with buying a new ipod. tonight was fun. went to meghan's party &got the cops called on us not even 15 minutes after midnight. what else is new. great way to start the new year, right? then went to the beach for pool hopping but i didn't swim. now i'm at this girls house in port orange &i guess there was a party earlier but now everyones asleep pretty much.

i'm supposed to move to atlanta sometime this month &i really hope i go through with it. i'm excited to get away from florida &the people here but there's still a lot to think about with that one. i love the city of atlanta &all the great places there but there's many bad memories &i guess i'm also afraid to leave my dad by himself. i guess that sounds stupid to some people but he's seriously my best friend &i've been in daytona since thursday going crazy without him. i call him 10 times a day &he calls me more than that. i'm a fucking baby. i watch football with him every sunday even though i hate sports &i never know what the fuck is going on until someone scores. one of his sisters died on my birthday a couple weeks ago &it was a fucking bummer. we didn't go to the funeral in naples so everyone else in my family is real mad at us but whatever. i'd rather hang out with him than anyone else in south florida because he tells me awesome stories like how he used to tape qualudes to his balls &smuggle them in for my uncle when he was in prison.

i actually have some new years resolutions this year but i'm not gonna say what. all of them are mad personal but if you're any sort of close friend i'm sure you can take a fucking guess. i really need to fucking get my life together. i scare the shit out of myself sometimes. what worries me most is living with my past. today someone asked me to move to los angeles with them in a few months &i think i might if atlanta doesn't work &i think it would be a good change but that's really a last option.
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