Well, I kicked off the import from Dreamwidth on Friday afternoon and at time of writing this, the job's done. The only bit it choked on for any significant length of time was the comments. Which is kind of touching. Thanks GUISE.
I am sure you know this chapter and verse already, but in case nobody has shouted it in your face yet, our literal new Russian overlords on LJ are
banning any queer discussion and any political discussion that paints Russia - which frankly I used to love and now have no time for at all - as anything other than the overbearing restrictive shithole that psychotic repressed queer, Poot'n, is making it. (The only good thing about Poot'n is that the Americans pronounce his name as if they're describing a sally of farts. Well, that and his comedy face, obv. Fuck you Dobby.)
I won't be posting here again. I haven't got any time to feel sad about the actual end (oft predicted, never reached, until now), of Livejournal. Life moves forward, let's go FORWARD. Other, better shit awaits us. I end with the icon I began it with, in April 2001: mole, having discovered sunshine for the first time, and frolicking in it with gay abandon.
I urge you to get out of here if you can, and if you DO go to Dreamwidth, please - if you can bear to - add me. x