(no subject)

Jul 31, 2007 15:03

Thursday night I went into town with John to the Tavern on the Water to meet up with his friends. After a little detour of getting lost, we finally made it there. Cindy is going to be moving to Costa Rica for a year for school, so this was a pre-game if you will of a send off for her. Rick and Rachel were there, and I finally got to meet Cathleen, who was really nice. Some others were there too, but I suck and forget their names. I like this place a lot. Great view, and people seemed to clear out soon after we got there, which was a plus. Few drinks later, me, John, Rick and Rachel headed out. Fun car ride home in the back seat playing with the metal thingys that Rachel made, haha. And we past the good old K-Mart parking lot. Obviously I HAD to point it out to them. Got back to John's, and me and him watch some I Love Lucy, and eventually went to sleep.

Friday -- slept in really late, but it was SO worth it. Didn't get up till 11:30 or so, then work 12-6. Hung out with Mr. Patrick, then Savannah when she was out of work. We got food at Brothers, then went out for drinks at Margaritas with Amy. Mr. Patrick and I left early to meet his friends to go to a midnight showing of the Simpsons movie. It was funny, but I didn't really like it that much. Oh well, at least it was free!

Saturday -- COUNTRY FESTIVAL with Meghan, Caitlin and Jonathan. So much fun. Lots of drinking, lots of people, lots of walking around and meeting peoples, then lots of stuff that I don't remember. Oh, but I do remember asking a guy for some bead, and if I flashed him, would he really give them to me... I did, he did, hehehe. Whatever, they're just boobs, and I got bead, yay! I'd be SO perfect for going to mardi gras!!! Later on, Elena and Michelle came to pick me up so I could make my appearance at Clam Jam '07. We got back to Elena's and Danny, Kendra, Alex and Mallory were there too. SO much fun, I missed my Sacred Heart loves. It was Mal's birthday too! We grilled food, and I ate a TON. I was a piggy. Whatever. We had a cake eating contest too(no hands, clearly). Guess who won? That's right, me!!!!!! So much fun.

Hung out with Elena for a bit Sunday morning, and soon made my way home. This weekend was crazy fun, loved it. I put up a few pictures of it on myspace if you care to take a look.
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