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Mar 19, 2007 17:24

Well, spring break has been good so far. A few things went wrong, but I'll get over it.

Worked till 6 on Tuesday, then met up with Mallory and FINALLY went to the Better Bean coffee shop in Bridgewater center. You'd think I would have been there before, but no, this was my first time. It's such a cute little place. After a bit she was going to yoga, so I went to the library to waste some time before Feddi was out of work. We went over to Kara's apartment. A few drinks, her bong, and just hung out. Work the next morning, then home. This is where all the confusion happened. Long story short, I hate cingular cause a certain message was never gotten, and I never got to see a certain someone as a result. Very sad.

Friday morning I went to my grandma's till Elena was out of classes, then she picked me up. We went to the store to get a few things for the weekend, met up with everyone at the Marshall's house, then we were off to start a Power Regional weekend in Rhode Island!! But we had rehearsal a Case High school which sucked because that gym leaves you no air what so ever. We were sweating before we even started, ughh. Oh well, moving on...

ST. PATRICK'S DAY!! ....Saturday morning wake up call -- 6:45am! Gross. We had breakfast, rehearsal, ate lunch, and got ready for prelims before most people had woke up. Drove with Shannan, Elena and Jana to the show. Driving down the highway we were behind John, Mallory and Jackie. Jackie mooned us, so we got next to them, and I flashed them. It was only fair. Then we decided that it was be fun to go up the line of cars (that were all Sacred Heart cars) and flash them too. We picked a few and I flashed them. It was hilarious. I even flashed Richie's car, which had half the adults in it too. But they only got one boob, haha. All the flashing got the car wicked pumped up for the show... while we listened to Richard Cheese, SO good!

Prelims performance we did great. I had a little mess up, but no drop, but I was still pissed. We got an 84.8 (so we made post block). We ate at the arena at URI, but there was only crap food, so I got chicken fingers and fries. It was horrible cause when we went to rehearsal, I was having chest pains, or indigestion, or whatever it was, it was not good. Then it was off to the finals performance. It was better for me, personally, but overall, it wasn't. The staff said it was an amazing beginning, but after the first chunk of the show, we sort of blew up. But, we still managed to get an 86.0, which was so surprising, but awesome. (side note -- Erika from Emenon, is the fucking shit!!)

Back at the hotel, it was so hard to find somewhere to get food because we didn't get back till about midnight. After that hunt ended, it was drinking time to celebrate St Paddy's Day!!!! It was hilarious. Me, John, Elena, Anthony, Danny, Kimmy, and Alex hung out in the parents room with Marie, Betty and Mary. I could not stop laughing. It was non stop. We saw a dead serious prostitute walking around the halls in the hotel! There were 2 other guys with her too (I only got to see one of them). It was nuts. She was carrying around a little basket with towels, a Janet Jackson CD, and a bottle of wine, haha, no lie. Then there was the adventure out to the parking lot, where we saw 2 guys in trench coats who were staring at us and being wicked creepy. Whatever, it was still a hilarious time. After that adventure, we hung out in Danny and Anthony's room. After a bit, people wanted to pass out, it was 6:30 in the morning after all. But John and I stayed up and ate breakfast, THEN went to bed around 7am ish.

The weekend was amazing. I LOVE SACRED HEART!!!
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