(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 06:25

Ok, so last weekend was all sacred heart. Saturday night got out early and people stayed to paint the floor, but I went to hang out with Meghan and Caitlin. Just hang out, drove around, 24 hour dunkies, blah blah, just a very chill time. More rehearsal Sunday, got out wicked early, eventually started writing my gender comm. paper and chapter papers after taking a very much needed nap. Didn't go to sleep till about 7am.

Monday morning was rough. Nikki was locked out of not the suite, but her room, alcohol violation for a fucking shaker?! LAME! ....whatever, moving on. Wrote the rest of my paper, printed it, ran a bunch of errands, study guide, went to work, ran 2 packie runs in 1 night (for Jeff and Steve, little bitches, haha, just kidddingggggggggg) smoked with Kelly and Pat, had some KFC, drank a little, sleep.

Woke up, studied, took my marketing test, smoked PHENOMENAL pot with Nikki, turned in my gender comm stuff, worked till close, went to Bogarts with Maryellen. Made Mr. Patrick come too. Saw people from class there, Tim and Carmine, Grizz and some others. Got wicked fuckin trashed cause Mr. Patrick wanted me to have an LSD (a drink VERY dangerous drink) with him. Whatever.

Wednesday, worked 2-8, smoked with Jeremy, went back to my room and hung out with Amanda(times 2), Mr. Patrick and his girlfriend Savannah came over, and Jeff came later too when he was out of work. Amanda Glenn left, and the remaining 5 of us went on a very long burn cruise. Last night of the semester and it was THE most RANDOM group ever, but it was okay, cause we all got along and it was hilarious. I love how each time I packed another bowl, everyone was like "are you serious?!" And my thinking was, it was the last night, what else do we have to do? Let's just smoked ourselves brain dead, hahaha. The last bowl as Jeff put it was "the nail in the coffin". So good though. It was an awesome ride. Us 3 in the back seat got fuckin rockstar treatment with a blanket! it was so cozzy.

Got back to Miles but Mr. Patrick and his girlfriend left, so Amanda, me and Jeff went upstairs, we made snacks and drank the rest of the wine I had while playing 007 Golden Eye. So good. Eventually gave up on that and went outside and found Amanda Glenn again. I brought out my Sacred Heart flag to play with cause Jeff was asking about what it was. So I showed them all some tosses, then we got into tossing it to each other. It was awesome. I was surprised that Jeff was actually pretty good at it. But one of the last throws he tossed to me stabbed me in the left arm and it still looks like I shoot heroine into myself. Awesome. Thanks Jeff.

Yesterday was early morning packing, Christmas shopping with mom, chinese food with mom and Grandma, more shopping at the Walpole mall with Caitlin. Did present exchange with Cait and Meghan, then hung out with Kevin. This morning was a little more shopping with mom so i could get Shannan and Kevin's presents, then a late lunch with mom and John at the 99. Home, put a few things away (still working on that part), Sacred Heart rehearsal, now I'm here, still awake -- what's wrong with me. I need sleep.... Good fuckin night!!
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