Apr 10, 2006 03:24
Okay, it's been 2 weeks, and I have been yelled at to update. But I'll only be able to update since last Thursday -- if I try to remember anything before that I'll hurt myself
So lassst weeks Thursday -- classes, quick lunch with Nikki and Korie, then s 3 plus Chandra went for a ride. I was beyooond high, haha. It was amazing, cause it was a beautiful day out too. After the ride, everyone went their own ways, and me and Nikki walked around a bit with Maryellen, then met up with Jenn when Maryellen had to leave for her meeting. The remaining 3 decided to take advantage of the nice day and go to the pond and walk around all the trails. Kelly came too in between her classes. Very nice day. Then had to work.
Friday -- went to the pond again with Kelly cause she wanted to take pictures. Then plans for the night fell through, so hung out with Mallory and friends, lol, weeeeee!!
Saturday was emass finals. Went with Shannan. Hadn't been to a show since the first won. It was good. Saw and talked to the ton of people that I knew there, then went to the Taheti (spelling?!) afterwards with the Sacred Heart bunch. Stayed over dad's house for the night.
Sunday -- NESBA FINALS!! haha, went with Elena, Eric, Kimmy, Michelle, and Danny. It was a hilarious day. We all got neon green shirts that say "guard addict" and pink NESBA trucker hats... then dubbed ourselves "MEGA FANS". We even took pictures with PC himself... Yea, you're jealous! After the show, I drove back to school with Mallory and her parents, and went out to eat with them and Jim at the 99, mmmmm.
~~~~~~~~~ THEN, the week of too much work/tests/papers.....
Monday was a definitely needed homework night. Cause Tuesday was KARAOKE NIGHT AT BOGARTS!!! Went with Jenn, Rachel, Kelly and her friend. Did the song "Windy" with Kelly, before I was drunk though. But after I proceeded to drink and get very nicely drunk, weeee!
Wednesday night = work
Thursday = went out to the bars with Jenn and Laura G. Holy shit was I wasted. Don't really remember the night towards the end, but I had an awesome time either way.
Friday night = work, then Saturday morning went we got out, me, Shannan and Ann went out to breakfast. Came back to school, and around 9ish I finally went to sleep. Got up for good around 3, only to find out a couple hours later that I was being ditch for the night, AGAIN!! I was piiiiisssssed!!!!!!! So I decided to just drink in the room. Not like, drink profusely till I'm in a drunken stooper, but just stayed in and had drinks as I watched movies and talked to people.
And what could have been a really bad/boring night, turned into an amazing one. Chris was online, and we talked for a good 4 - 4 & 1/2 hours. AND he has a webcam, so I got to see him, which just makes it that much better. So basically we kept each other company all night long, cause he was staying in too. Listened to the Flames hockey game on an online radio while he watched it on tv, lots of conversation, goofed around a ton. May not sound like an exciting night to you, but I was very content with it. He makes me happy!! Always puts a smile on my face, hehe. I miss him like crazy.
Today went to visit Nana for the day with dad and Shannan. We were going to take her out to eat too, but she wanted to cook us something instead. That's Nana for ya. Got to love that 93 year old little Italian woman, she's so cute, and so funny. Ate pork chops, salad, mashed potatoes, and corn, mmmmmm, home cooked meal! Okay, that is all for me... Oh, but tonight I got to talk to Chris again for another couple hours, hehe. Love it. And he leave me with this...
Chris: okay... goodnight lovely
^and that's the way every night should end