(no subject)

May 06, 2006 18:32

A -Z

[A is for age:] 19

[B is for beer of choice:] guinness

[C is for career:] working towards music education

[D is for your dog's name:] ...

[E is for essential item you use everyday:] lip balm

[F is for favorite song at the moment:] lie in our graves // dmb

[G is for favorite games:] hearts or scrabble

[H is for Home town:] bedford

[I is for instruments you play:] clarinet, sax, a little of: mellophone (hah), flute, guitar, piano

[J is for favorite juice?:] orange

[K is for kids?:] someday- maybe 3

[L is for last hug?:] matt before he left! yikes everyone is going home / already is home.

[M is for marriage:] someday

[N is for name of your best friend:] right now... my bed

[O is for overnight hospital stays:] no, but i went to an emergency room late at night bc of asthma when i was little : / no fun

[P is for phobias:] eyes, being lonely as i grow old

[Q is for quote:] nothing is worth more than this day // goethe

[R is for biggest regret:] not taking piano when i was little

[S is for self confidence:] yesm

[T is for time you wake up:] if i'm not up earlier for classes, i typically wake up around 9.

[U is for underwear:] thongs, i must say. i agree w/lisa- it has to be vicky's.

[V is for vegetable you love:] corn on the cob

[W is for worst habit:] sometimes i need to be pried away from schoolwork by my friends to relax. i've recently turned into a bit of a workaholic.

[X is for x-rays you've had:] one of my fingers in 3rd grade, a lot of dental x-rays, one for pneumonia last year

[Y is for yummy food you make:] i can make anything as long as i have a recipe for it. i hope.

[Z is for zodiac sign:] leo. rawr.
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