(no subject)

May 03, 2006 18:12

The most important matter of the day: a very happy birthday to
warrior_cat! *birthday hug* Ephie is a prodigious writer, a talented photographer and a generally spiffy person. I'm glad to have made your acquaintance. *salutes* Have a fantastic day, what's left of it.

Thanks to everyone who commented hoping I would get better. I'm feeling better today- I missed out on the first day of term yesterday and stayed home with my sister, watching bad daytime TV. She is very ill at the moment with a burst eardrum, so she has been watching so much TV that she has a schedule of shows to watch each day. *shakes head* Very disturbing. I do hope she gets better. Yesterday she was yelling weakly at the presenter of the show Ready Steady Cook. Quite rightly too, seeing as he's a sleaze who can't seem to keep himself from groping every single female contestent on his show. *shudder*

Back to school today, though. My friend Sophia has come back from the country and is now a boarder at my school. I happened upon her in the hallway wearing her winter uniform complete with shit-brown blazer and descended upon her, exclaiming, "I never thought I'd see you in that ugly uniform again!"

And the other thing? Well, The Girl was kind of delightful today, as she often is. In first period our Lit teacher was dictating notes to us and said, "... and so this narrative structure employed in The Handmaid's Tale allows the reader to draw the following conclusions, dot-dot..."

"Don't you mean colon?" I asked in bewilderment. Everyone in the class got a smirk out of that, but The Girl laughed the most. *beams*

Plus The Girl sat by me in the year level assembly the Year Twelves had to endure, hissing silly comments into my ear whenever she could. The assembly was an ettiquete lecture. I do consider having good manners to be an important thing; after all, it just means that you're committed to making the people around you feel as comfortable as possible. But you should've heard the lecturer name-dropping! Her stepdaughter used to be on Blue Heelers and we never heard the end of it!

The Girl and I had a music lesson at lunchtime. *grins* It was funny though, because The Girl left me in the music room while she ran to go and find some songbooks. I was strolling around the room and spied this bust of Bach on the windowsill. It had the weirdest, most disapproving expression on its face, raising one eyebrow practically into its hairline. Sooo freaky, and yet so hilarious at the same time. I wonder if the real Bach walked around with that face all the time?

I gave the bust my own disapproving look and said, "Now, don't look at me like that, Johann. I'm very interested in learning music." I added silently, It's not my fault I happen to be in love with the girl who's teaching me, is it?

Finally, guess what? The Girl got me a pressie when she went on that school trip to the eastern states during the holidays. *squeal* It's this little model of an Australian historical figure called Simpson and his donkey, who... was a donkey. o_O *shakes head* Anyway, it's very cute. She said, "I thought you'd like it better than yet another piece of jewellery."

"Oh, I do, I do. It's so cute." I treasure everything she's ever given me over the course of our friendship. (For people who've been reading since December last year, I still have her ring, and I still wear it when I can. Sad, huh?) It's comforting to have some semblance of her with me in small gifts she's given, to remind me of her when she's not around.


I rented The Brady Bunch Movie the other day. *claps hands* Funniest, most twisted movie ever! My older sister and I used to love those movies when we were young. Our dad loved them too; the number of times we've done the, "Marcia, you are so gorgeous! And Jan... isn't Marcia gorgeous?" exchange when there was a gap in the conversation...

I squealed like a proper fangirl at the Davy Jones bit. If I ever get married I'm so playing that grunge rock version of Girl at my wedding reception (along with You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) by Dead or Alive). And when I play it, I'm so doing the Marcia Brady thumb dance. I don't care if my wife divorces me on the spot from the mortification that her life partner is thumb-dancing in public. In fact, I'm going to make sure that the love of my life is someone who appreciates important things like thumb-dancing! *giggles*

I have this newfound love for the movie, not only 'cause of the running gags and Schizophrenic!Jan and the music and the costumes (especially the men's costumes *snicker*), but because of Marcia Brady's gay best friend Noreen, who has a crush on her. It's the funniest thing ever. And Noreen's such a sweetie, she's utterly devoted to Marcia, who is so blind and self-absorbed she has no idea. But it's all cool, because Noreen gets her own girlfriend in the end. *nods*

And also, RuPaul is the school counselor! I screamed so loudly when I realised that the school counselor in The Brady Bunch Movie was also Mike from But I'm A Cheerleader. Funniest thing ever.

I adore rediscovering movies that I loved in my childhood, like The Addams Family and The Brady Bunch Movie. 'Cause there's all these gags that I missed when I was a little girl that I find funny now- not only RuPaul and Noreen, but also stuff like this guy saying about Marcia, "She's harder to get into than a Pearl Jam concert!" and Jan's evil inner voice hissing Satanically, "It's me, the new Jan Brady! Let's knock over a 7-11! Watch my head spin! KILL, KILL!" *has hysterics* It's sooo twisted, and so funny!

english lit, movies, funny stuff, the girl, happy birthday to you, good times

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