(19:43:11) antisocbuttrfly9: i'm going to have to disagree with that assertion
(19:43:11) thechili pepper0 : 4 out of 5 dentists agree:
goombah is spelled with an "h"
(19:43:14) antisocbuttrfly9: assertion
(19:43:22) antisocbuttrfly9: i think goomba is spelled goomba
(22:12:51) thechili pepper0: you can't honestly believe that garbage can you?
(22:13:13) antisocbuttrfly9: haha
(22:13:17) antisocbuttrfly9: yeah i can
(22:13:29) antisocbuttrfly9: i feel liek that's how nintendo actually spells it
(22:18:21) thechili pepper0: my friends and have already had this conversation. nintendo got it wrong
(22:18:49) antisocbuttrfly9: hah
(22:19:08) antisocbuttrfly9: you can't override the creators of the goomba
(22:28:37) thechili pepper0: THEY DIDN'T CREATE IT
(22:47:15) antisocbuttrfly9: haha
(22:47:15) thechili pepper0 : 4 out of 5 dentists agree:
goombah is spelled with an "h"
(22:47:18) antisocbuttrfly9: who created it then?
(00:07:32) thechili pepper0: well it's an italian term
(00:07:33) antisocbuttrfly9 : Finals week sucks the life out of poor, innocent, fragile college students.
(00:07:46) thechili pepper0: nintendo "borrowed" the idea, but butchered it
(00:12:18) antisocbuttrfly9: well, here's the way i see it
(00:12:28) antisocbuttrfly9: perhaps 'goombah' was the correct way to spell the concept they borrowed
(00:12:41) antisocbuttrfly9: but the concept that 'goomba' refers to
(00:13:03) antisocbuttrfly9: the little evil mushroom guy that mario jumps on and kills
(00:13:07) antisocbuttrfly9: is a goomba
(00:13:09) antisocbuttrfly9: not a goombah
(00:13:11) thechili pepper0: no, he's a goombah
(00:13:20) thechili pepper0: a henchman of a larger crime syndicate
(00:13:32) thechili pepper0: bowser and his empire is a crime syndicate
(00:13:49) thechili pepper0: look, we have religious evidence and everything
(00:13:56) antisocbuttrfly9: yes perhaps... but goomba is a stylized versoin of goombah
(00:13:59) thechili pepper0: even down to the psychology of that little guy
(00:14:14) antisocbuttrfly9: hahaha
(00:14:19) antisocbuttrfly9: all just a bunch of arm waving i'm sure
(00:14:43) thechili pepper0: he's not actually evil, see. he's just trying to get by. support his wife and their four children
(00:14:55) thechili pepper0: it's like the great depression
(00:14:59) thechili pepper0: you take what work you can get
(00:15:07) thechili pepper0: bowser was hirinjg
(00:16:35) antisocbuttrfly9: haha
(00:16:38) antisocbuttrfly9: you can't prove that
(00:16:47) thechili pepper0: i can
(00:16:58) thechili pepper0: how else would a self-respecting person get into a line of work like that
(00:17:06) antisocbuttrfly9: there is money layign around all over mario world
(00:17:15) antisocbuttrfly9: coins just waiting to be picked up!!!
(00:17:42) thechili pepper0: but notice they themselves do not take it
(00:17:47) thechili pepper0: they are against stealing
(00:17:54) antisocbuttrfly9: but not against killing?
(00:18:10) thechili pepper0: the way they see it, they get paid well just to stand around, guarding what? guarding nothing
(00:18:14) antisocbuttrfly9: they are obviously not very bright or have their priorities a bit mixed up
(00:18:51) thechili pepper0: when trouble comes along, they are torn between their careers of inactivity (and ethics) and their duty to provide for their family
(00:18:54) thechili pepper0: what would you do?
(00:19:37) antisocbuttrfly9: i would steal the money that's just layign on teh ground before trying to kill people
(00:19:40) thechili pepper0: could you condemn a man simply because he wanted to delay that dinnerless night for his children one more night?
(00:19:47) antisocbuttrfly9: especially plumbers that are bigger than myself
(00:19:51) thechili pepper0: but then he loses that job
(00:19:58) thechili pepper0: and he can't provide for his family anymore
(00:20:04) thechili pepper0: besides, its not like he can jump
(00:20:15) thechili pepper0: he couldn't get those coins even if he wanted to
(00:21:10) antisocbuttrfly9: i dotn' see what any of this has to do w/ the spelling of goomba
(00:21:40) thechili pepper0: well, goombah has 7 letters
(00:21:45) thechili pepper0: goomba only has 6
(00:21:53) thechili pepper0: 7 is the sign of holiness
(00:21:56) thechili pepper0: a good number, anyway
(00:22:06) thechili pepper0: 6, that's a third of the mark of the beast
(00:22:08) thechili pepper0: (the devil)
(00:22:39) antisocbuttrfly9: yeah, see that line of reasoning only distracts from the truth
(00:23:02) antisocbuttrfly9: goombas are not holy
(00:23:11) thechili pepper0: not holy
(00:23:20) thechili pepper0: but at least more pure than they've been made out to be
(00:23:47) thechili pepper0: it's a more harmonious number
(00:24:06) thechili pepper0: if you believe in the tabula rasa, then they are not necessarily evil
(00:24:15) antisocbuttrfly9: still that doesn't have to do with the way that their name is spelled
(00:24:16) thechili pepper0: (i do)
(00:24:20) antisocbuttrfly9: daniel
(00:24:22) antisocbuttrfly9: 6 letters
(00:24:27) antisocbuttrfly9: oooh, you're evil!
(00:24:31) antisocbuttrfly9: it doesn't work like that
(00:24:33) thechili pepper0: i'm not saying 6 is evil
(00:24:46) thechili pepper0: i'm just saying it's more harmonious to be 7-lettered
(00:24:49) thechili pepper0: karma
(00:24:55) thechili pepper0: or daoistic
(00:24:58) thechili pepper0: or something
(00:24:58) antisocbuttrfly9: i c an see that you will not listen to reason
(00:25:09) thechili pepper0: ha! i see quite the contrary
(00:25:11) antisocbuttrfly9: you're just going to spout out a bunch of 'impressive sounding' facts
(00:25:21) thechili pepper0: i'm spelling out truth
(00:25:32) antisocbuttrfly9: you are just lying to yourself
(00:25:35) thechili pepper0: and you are too prejudiced to see past the propaganda that nintendo spews forth
(00:25:47) antisocbuttrfly9: its' not prejudice
(00:25:54) antisocbuttrfly9: i have nothing against the little gues
(00:25:55) thechili pepper0: you called them evil
(00:25:59) thechili pepper0: i'd call that prejudice
(00:26:03) thechili pepper0: you don't even know them
(00:26:09) antisocbuttrfly9: and you do?
(00:26:12) thechili pepper0: that's like saying all arabs are evil
(00:26:17) thechili pepper0: prejudiced
(00:28:03) thechili pepper0: check. mate.
(00:28:26) antisocbuttrfly9: hah
(00:28:29) antisocbuttrfly9: whatev
(00:28:34) antisocbuttrfly9: you are not very bright
(00:28:45) antisocbuttrfly9: and it's hard to talk reason to one with an iq of less than 40
(00:28:48) antisocbuttrfly9: :-)
(00:29:04) thechili pepper0: see, the mark of a poor debater is one who goes for personal attacks
(00:29:11) thechili pepper0: the one who is clearly wrong
(00:30:05) thechili pepper0: it's ok michelle
(00:30:18) thechili pepper0: i'll give you plenty of time to stew it over, let it become part of you
(00:30:29) thechili pepper0: and then you can join the right side
(00:30:31) antisocbuttrfly9: hahaha
(00:30:40) antisocbuttrfly9: but i'm not wrong
(00:30:47) antisocbuttrfly9: so that statement was meaningless
(00:30:47) thechili pepper0: i know a lot of what i said tonight is difficult to comprehend
(00:30:54) antisocbuttrfly9: hahaha
(00:30:58) antisocbuttrfly9: yeah because it was gibberish
(00:30:58) thechili pepper0: to fully grasp. to accept
(00:31:03) thechili pepper0: so i'll give it time
(00:31:07) antisocbuttrfly9: hahaha
(00:31:11) antisocbuttrfly9: yeah whatever dud
(00:31:14) antisocbuttrfly9: :-)
(00:31:24) thechili pepper0: dont' shut out this wonderful opportunity for you
(00:31:33) thechili pepper0: because of a deep-rooted prejudice
(00:31:58) antisocbuttrfly9: opportunity for me to what exactly?
(00:33:01) thechili pepper0: to be that much closer to self-actualization
(00:33:20) antisocbuttrfly9: haha
(00:33:31) antisocbuttrfly9: your logic makes no sense to em
(00:33:47) thechili pepper0: i understand if you need to fulfill the lower needs, like hunger and safety
(00:34:15) thechili pepper0: but eventually, you will come across the quest to find find self-fulfillment
(00:34:37) thechili pepper0: the first step, or at least a step that wouldn't hurt, would be to accept the truth about goombah
(00:34:42) antisocbuttrfly9: haha ok maslow
(00:34:46) antisocbuttrfly9: alright well i'm going to go to bed
(00:34:49) antisocbuttrfly9: long day of studying tomorrow
(00:34:50) thechili pepper0: hahah
(00:34:53) thechili pepper0: very nice
(00:35:11) thechili pepper0: i love that i remember that from senior year psychology
(00:35:37) antisocbuttrfly9: haha
(00:35:43) antisocbuttrfly9: very impressive dear
(00:35:47) antisocbuttrfly9: ok well you have a good night
(00:35:50) antisocbuttrfly9: talk to you later
(00:35:50) antisocbuttrfly9: :-)
(00:36:05) thechili pepper0: good night
oh also, this is the worst facebook group ever. i laughed, but made sure no one was looking first
http://denison.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204702750&ref=nf The Roots - Without a Doubt, or William Shatner