Public Service Announcement

Mar 05, 2008 00:49

For the 2% of lesbians who use dental dams in the world (no data on heterosexuals, and none on M+M oral sex, of course) a public service announcement:

Despite what the internet and many books say, even if they're otherwise reputable sources, YOU CANNOT USE SARAN WRAP AS A DENTAL DAM

And you most certainly cannot use "Cling wrap" as stated in a book I saw over the weekend (and whose author will be getting an e-mail from me soon).

"But, but," you sputter in over-educated confusion, "I know I can't use regular old PVC clingwrap because it's totally porous and lets all sorts of nasty things through, but Saran Wrap is supposed to be safe because it's PVdC (polyvinylidene chloride) and as impermeable as latex!"

Ah, but you see, in 2004, SC Johnson made a switch in their formulation of Saran Wrap, and it is now made from Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), which is, in fact, as porous as every other kind of plastic wrap. It might block some bugs, but Herpes? HIV? HPV? I doubt it. Do I know for sure? No. Do I want my future patients finding out the hard way? Definitely not.

Moreover, no one ever did a randomized control study to show that Saran wrap actually kept viruses at bay. Why would they? It probably does, sure, because it's considered mostly gas-impermeable. But no one ever really examined it. We know all about viruses and latex. Why take the chance? Gloves are abundant, and scissors are cheap.

Rant of the night: do we learn this in medical school? HECK NO!!!!!

But learn it we all should.


You've been PSA'd. Thank you for your attention.

And remember: Cling Wrap Saves your Vegetables not your Genitals.
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