Oct 11, 2004 16:25
So, I just saw "The Forgotten"-- this was not my idea by the way, it was my mom's. Yeah... so the reviews were right, the movie is poo. it starts out ok and then gets stupider and stupider until the end when you're like, why the heck did i just watch that movie. The ending is rediculous, its on par with The Village and Dreamcatcher. Lets just say, they phoned it in. And aren't thrillers supposed to be thrilling... there were like 3 jump moments in the whole movie and it was soo slow moving. boo
Also, it took me like 7 times to get into my account today, it kept saying i had the wrong password. It finally let me in when i got it emailed to me (and it was what i typed in) and then copied and pasted that into the password thing.