Musics! I like to share. I'm a big enough dork that I have a little playlist called "Mello" on my MP3 player. :D
And Mel says: If girl!Light can do it, so can I, dammit!
Happiness Is a Warm Gun. No Mello mix would be complete without it! Bang bang, shoot shoot, baby.
Seven-Nation Army (the White Stripes). The source (as I guess is obvious) of Mel's bio quote.
I'm gonna fight 'em off
A seven nation army couldn't hold me back
They're gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And I'm talking to myself at night
Because I can't forget
The Whores Hustle and the Hustlers Whore (PJ Harvey). This has a great driving rhythm, too.
Heaven and earth don't ever mean enough
Down to Nowhere (Thea Gilmore). I've used this for fic before. :D
We are such pretty little failures
On the streets paved with fool's gold
And no one will think twice
About the nothing that they've sold
Supervixen (Garbage). This is so a girl!Mello song.
A hit is hard to resist
And I never miss
I can take you out
With just a flick of my wrist
Not My Idea (Garbage).
Forget about yours, now what about mine?
Say Uncle (Vienna Teng). The first time I listened to this after reading *&^%$# Chapter 58, I cried buckets. I'm sure it would remind Mel of L.
I recall last time we met, you said we'd meet again
The irony is only bitter now
Harbor (Vienna Teng). Because I am the biggest sappy sap that ever sapped, and this makes me think of Mel and Mail.
So go far beyond where we stand
No matter the distance,
I'm holding your hand