Gonna write in English since I'm going to talk in English a lot during next weeks. Read along to know why.
So yep, I managed to get a small cold on Thursday, luckily right after work. Friday was the worst day, I could barely sit without feeling dizzy. I spent the whole day wearing my big horse T-shirt, long johns and my woolly socks and yes, I was so sexy I couldn't go out without being deflowered haha. XD And my nose was running so bloody much in my own room that I've slept downstairs for the past few nights. It's better in there.
The good news is that I managed to get a working gig - for 3 weeks! o// That's my longest substitution gig so far. I'm going to be teaching English and German for kids at age of 10-12. I went to the school yesterday to receive my keys and all of the books - I could barely drag myself out of the building with all the stuff. D: Working started today and it wasn't so bad - quite fun at the end actually. My fever is gone but I still need to blow my nose often, and now I've got a massive headache that won't go away. =_= Bleh. Tomorrow work starts at 9 a.m. so not stressing so much. And I'm going to get money again~ I hate to be poor so I'm happy for working. ^^
(hei Paibi, iki-ihanaa YGOTASia on päivitetty Cr@psule Monstersin 2-jaksolla! Käys kattoon ja naura kaikille LotR-vitseille ja Yamin lonkeroraiskaukselle. XD)
Also my birthday is in two days. Bwahaa. I'm gonna drink lots of coke with my sisters and some of our friends are coming over at Saturday, since we've got so much work and school in Wednesday. God I'd SO want to go and see the Mamma Mia! movie then since it's the last day they show it here. There's so many great actors in it and I'd even be able to recognize some songs from it. ._. Must ask if my sisters would like to come with me.
What is in the back of your car?
-Well in another of our family cars Biffi we have a rope, a couple of tools and something else...
What color is your tooth brush ?
-Pink and white!
Name one person that made you smile today ?
-My sisters are making me smile and laugh with their new lyrics XD
What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
-Awake but still lying in bed.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
-At school receiving the books I'm supposed to use during my substituting gig.
Have you ever been to a strip club?
What is the last thing you said aloud?
-Umm.... I was laughing and then clearing my throat.
What is the best ice cream flavor?
-Let's see... I like strawberry, toffee, banana and mint the best. <3
What are you wearing right now?
-Underwear, socks, pants, two shirts and my usual jewellery.
What was the last thing you ate?
-I believe it was a bun my mum baked yesterday.
Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
-No I haven't. Been sick for a couple of days.
When was the last time you ran?
-Some time ago. I usually walk with my dog but I don't run.
The last sporting event you watched?
-Umm, the Olympic Games in TV?
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
-I'm afraid I usually make them in a microwave.
Who is the last person you sent a message to on myspace?
-Don't have one ^^
Ever go camping?
-I've been a couple of times - it's really fun but it's been some years since last time...
Do you take vitamins daily ?
Do you go to church every Sunday?
-No, but I really love our local church. <3
Do you have a tan?
-Some in my arms >:D
Do you like Chinese food over pizza ?
Do you drink your soda with a straw ?
-If I'm in a fast food place then usually yes, at home I drink without it.
Are you someone' s best friend?
-I sure hope so.
What color is your watch / brand ?
It's light yellow, like beige or something.
What do you think of when you hear Australia?
-The Australian accent. xD
Do you use chopstick?
-Everytime we eat Asian food or noodles.
What is your favorite number?
-6, 9, 16, 27.........
Do you have a dog?
-Yes, our dear Vikke. He's such a darling.
Last person you talked to on the phone ?
-The girl who was on duty before me. Really sweet young lady.
Have you met anyone famous?
-I've met our President, does it count?
Any plans today ?
-Must go visit the school one more time today before work starts tomorrow.
How many states have you lived in?
Ever go to college?
-I'd like to since I like to study, but I'm not really the smartest of all.
Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
-The small cramp developing in my neck. Also my computer is deadly slow and won't play any music without ruining it.
Last song listened to?
-Du Riechst So Gut by R+ <33
Can you say the alphabet backwards?
-Give me an hour and maybe I'll get it right. xD
Do you have a maid service clean your house ?
-No. I'm my own maid. Which presumadly means a disaster.
Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
-I have a couple pairs of shoes I like to use during summer. Wintertime I use my lovely black boots.
What was your wedding song?
-Haven't chosen it yet.
Are you jealous of anyone?
-Oh yes.
Is anyone jealous of you?
-I really hope not.
Do any of your friends have children?
-Many of people I consider my 'friends' are much older than I am, so yes.
Do you eat healthy?
-Somewhat yes, I like food. But I also eat lots of unhealthy food.
What do you usually do during the day?
-Get up, get dressed, brush my teeth, eat something, help around in home and surf in the Net. Work if I have some.
How often do you go out?
-It depends. Not so often at the moment.
If there was a fire and you were home alone and could only grab three things?
-Agh, I'd propably grab as many from my CDs as I could, then my laptop and.... my toys from my bed!
Do you like cats?
-Oh yes, I love them <3
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
-Don't drink alcohol because I don't like the taste.
How did you get your worst scar?
-Hmm, do I have any scars?? I've had to have three of my teeth removed, does that count?
Who do you talk to most on the phone ?
-Mostly to my family members, but phone calls with my friends can last over 4 hours. XD