more allpoetry madness

Jun 14, 2006 19:24

alright. THIS contest required me to write about something uniform (interpreting it as either 'unchanging' or 'all the same'). Also it had to be titled "Digital Camera" and use the word 'diary' in it.

"Digital Camera"

You think a picture will make things last.

The image freezes
in the
of light.

Just you try and
hold tight,
fingers clenched.

But the surge forward is inevitable.
The moment slips through your fingers.

Mirror, mirror
that seemingly stoic liquid pool
or pull
of tricks
of light.

It is the reflection that shifts.
Crowsfeet and furrow,
we are aged.

Our perspectives zoom in,
flash off,
adjust lens.

And the words mature.

Yet the diary ink is unfaded,
while all interpretation
is open for evolution.

And in the canvas,
left untouched,
the paint is never smeared.

Only the meaning.
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