Whilst waiting for sweet sleep to find me and drag me away...

May 10, 2004 21:57

Abortion?:I support it 100 percent, in fact I think it's a viable birth control option. Death Penalty?:I support it. Those that take life should forfeit theirs. Prostitution?:It's okay, and shown to reduce the number of sexual assault related crimes in areas that legalize it. Alcohol?:Please! Marijuana?:I'm not a fan of it, but I see no harm in legalizing it. Other drugs?:To each their own. Gay marriage?:Yes please! Illegal immigrants?:Illegal? Send them back. Legal? Let 'em stay. Smoking?:Gross. Drunk driving?:BAD idea! Cloning?:Well, since it falls under Biotechnology, I'd have to say it interests me. Hence, I say, yes! Racism?:Bad shit. Premarital sex?:Yes, please!! Religion?:I adore religion, however, Christianity is my least favourite one. The war in Iraq?:Stupid. Bush?:See answer to war in Iraq. Downloading music?:Rock on! The legal drinking age?:18. Porn?:A wonderful outlet for "stress" Suicide?:Assisted suicide is a very viable option for those in need.
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