It's been many years since I last watched DBZ. Many, many years. Eight, maybe. I was twelve at the time, so I guess it's saying a bit. Regardless, I watched that show, every slow, slogging episode like a cult ritual. It was a guilty pleasure from which many horrible, horrible fan fics arose. But like when I re-watched Dragon Ball, Buffy, and Sailor Moon, there were way too many things that I noticed that I completely overlooked as a sheltered kid. So, now a twenty-year-old college student, my friend and I decided to rewatch DBZ in the form of its new incarnation: Dragonball Kai. By the time the first few episodes were done, there was one thing that stuck out to me:
Why did I never notice how absolutely naive Goku was? I mean, no common sense that man. I mean my God. Just, God. One of the episodes of Dragonball Z Abridged summarizes my point perfectly:
Raditz: Please, let go of my tail.
Goku: Well, since you asked nicely...
Raditz then proceeds to relentlessly beat the shit out of his brother.
I mean, nobody in their right mind would ever, given that circumstance, release the person who kidnapped their child and tried to kill everyone they loved. Just because they asked nicely. I still can't fathom why the creators thought this was believable because while Goku may not be the brightest character on the show, he definitely isn't that gullible. Is he?
Another thing. At what point did Goku stop looking like this....
...and start looking like this? **&Update. Around Episode 13.
I mean, holy shit. His neck became like 900x thicker than it already was and do I have to mention muscle definition? Goku doesn't have a neck by the Cell Saga, he has a freaking third bicep.
In the Raditz/Vegeta Saga, everyone looks so young. Even Vegeta is looking cuddly and adorable, when I remember him being probably one of the scariest "good guys" in the series. Not that I have any problem with how young they look, I actually like the style more aesthetically, but hey, if you're fighting aliens with 200x-10,000 times the strength of your average Japanese farmer, I'd say having extra, probably non-existent neck muscles is justified.
I think watching weird anime in my young adulthood has warped my sense of attraction to the opposite sex. For no other reason can I explain my strange, xenophilic crush on Piccolo. No, no other reason.
On another note, I met a guy who is making a robot who makes him toast. And wolverines seem like they'd be snuggly if it were not for their sheer aggressive non-snuggly-ness. But I digress.
Watching Dragonball Kai is addictive, fun and a bit nostalgic and I love how much they have edited out. Good for those without much time and a short attention span.