Nov 03, 2004 21:14
Flees from this land of idiots and Bushes (hint hint) Another four years of cheesy smiles and badly pronounced words..not that I don't respect Bush for the man he is..but its funny..
I started the MuD again..for those who care..A mage/cleric/warrior named Anafiel and a monk named Josceline are my characters..Josceline is of the Brotherhood whereas Anafiel is a noble. Don't ask..long story really..
I also began Starcraft again..HOW COOL AM I?! I only live to play games..heh ^^;..oh well..
NOELLE!! I didn't get a hug..*sobs*..
Look at that..its flying..oh god..OH GOD!! *screams* AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Renuzit..sounds like some kind of cheap acne growth system..or remover..but its an air freshener I'm looking at.I'm just randomly saying things..i know..but I'm mainly focusing on several fanfictions I'm writing..^.-..oh well..
*farewell wave*
Love to
Later guys..
Oh..and My how to speech will be cool
and here..