Sep 29, 2004 00:32
I really need to come up with better subject names..
You know could have just typed that fucking thing up on your own. Trust me, it would have made it easier on the both of us..I'm not trying to be mean or anything..but I feel like dog shit..shit from a dog that got hit by a car and is currently falling from a cliff and has just hit the bottom and is now bleeding profusely from every oraface and pore on its body..and now the buzzards are eating it alive..tearing it's eyes from their sockets..rippings stomach open..tearing the intestines and slurping them down like spaghetti..
Gee..I feel a little better now though..than I did that is.
Here are a few reasons why :
Jamien is in! I got myself a guitarist!! Sorry TYJ (not that you've missed out)
Chelsea stopped over..I love fucking..much..(theres a hidden joke in that phrase but those who havent seen :E:S: will have no idea what the hell I'm talking about..
I can C++ code to hell..
HTML just got easier..
President Bush is going to get re-elected..then die (trust me..I know..I'm good like that)
Bush will then come back from the dead and kill kerry
Wierd Al will then assume the role of president
My cat is awesome..
My stepfather just got home..wanna know what sucks? My mom and him are getting divorced!! Damn it to hell! As soon as my mom finds someone she is semi-happy with..and I can almost stand..*poof* there he goes! I wish she would have just stayed with Wayne though..he had cash..and it'd make my wishes of getting a band going a lot easier..
I wonder when that list above ended..*laughs*
This is going to look really messy when I enter it on the journal..I know it is..
HEY JAMIEN!! COMMENT ON THIS!! I'm gonna need you help choosing a name and such we're gonna have to find other people to play shit..and I still have to have something to do in the band *laughs*
I made sick one..i cooked for everyone else *evil grin* cuz they're they're gonna get sick *cackles with insane glee*..I made some good beef stew!! *laughs*
I probably slept in till 4:00..but then Chelsea called..(|_Ö\/|=_)
You know..I keep hearing things about her..that just can't be true..which is really starting to drive me insane..and up the walls..and *blah*
All who support my rock on! Hopefully we'll have fans..and if we get more fans than TYJ has..we'll even have enemies.. My plan is to go on right before TYJ in a concert here in a few months..that way..we have shown up outta nowhere..It'd be really great if I could get something started before The second day of the Tenth month (October second for those too lazy to count the months) and play then..but We would have had to sign on that..*laughs*..I still..even though it doesnt matter..have to talk to the band..(tyj) to find out how we can participate in concerts at the Eagle's Lodge.
If anyone has any ideas on that let me know..
Finally..I still have to pick a name for the band..heh..I'll throw a poll down real quick and let you guys pick a name from it..and i might work with the one with the highest votes..
Note : If you choose your name choice on my LJ and/or on the results page of the poll.
What Name Should The Newest Band In Corydon Take?!?!