
Sep 25, 2004 22:18

Well guys..nothing cool today. I slept through most of it really..Listened to the TYJ album Ex-girlfriends Extraterrestrials and Exhibitionists a few times..it's still playing by the way.
Strangely enough..despite all my listening to this cd..I still don't know all of the songs..*shoots self*
Well..For those of you who are mudders..get the new pueblo v261 at this URL: http://prdownlaods.sourceforge.net/pueblo/pueblo261b.exe/
When it says something like..file unread..click the URL it has there..then DL it from the North American thing. It's a rockin' piece of work there..yet..its not as good as ZMud..
Well..screw you all..You can all kind have fun..and whatever..for now I think I'm going to go away..*sobs*..I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Thank You Jade Forever!!
(Love to Chelsea)
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