Dec 16, 2004 00:10
I sat there, unknowing of whether I cared, or whether anyone cared. Someone had to.. There wasn't a clue, but I know someone had to. I couldn't just be there, alone, while no one cared whether I lost my closest friend.
It happened so shortly ago, a days time at most. She was coming home with me, to work on our project for our Bio and Chem class. Around an hour earlier we had decided to drink a lot of soda at the Dairy Queen up in the actual town.
I remember everything so vividly.
"I have to pee," she had said, "Hold up, I know there's a bathroom right around the corner there!" She pointed to the church near the old BigFoot. She took off, rounded the corner, and was gone.
I waited for a while, figuring she was actually going for a different reason, or that she maybe got caught up in a conversation with someone. I shrugged everything off, until she had been gone for near a half of an hour. This is when I began to think she was playing a joke on me, or wished me to come into the warmth with her.. But just wouldn't come to get me.
I walked around the corner of the brick building, looking around to see if she was hiding in the bushes or somewhere around. I noted that it was unusually quiet, but still shrugged it off. I was out to find her, and then get back to my house.
"Hey, come one! I'm tired and we still have to work!!" I called irritated.
I took a step towards an expanse of bushes and trees. As I neared it, something stirred from them and ran wildly towards the cover of the trees. I was startled and lost my footing.
"It must be a dog," I thought to myself.
I continued on, rounding the next corner. The lights to the entrance of the church were on and a door was propped open.
"She must be in there," I said out loud, relived I had found her.
I walked towards the door. As I neared it, I felt a strange urge to turn and run from the place. I ignored it and continued on, entering the building.
Inside, it was dimly lit, but more than enough to see. I wandered around the church, opening doors to see if she was in them. I avoided the restroom entrances, just in case she was really doing something of importance in one of them. All of the rooms that went off of the main one were dark. I figured that she wouldn't be in any of them, and would have jumped out to scare me if she had been.
I finally walked to the restroom doors. The men's door had been propped open with a doorstopper. I walked in. Inside, there was a strange bag. I didn't open it, figuring it to be a priests or someone's from the church. I walked back out. On the women's door, there was a small note scrabbled out in black ink. It didn't look to be her handwriting, but I took it that maybe she was in a hurry.
The note read : Come on in, Baby..
I smiled, thinking her to be a little over the edge and that she might be on her period if she was having this bad of a hormone surge.
"Come on out and keep your clothes on!" I yelled inside, jokingly.
No reply, save the echo of my voice, came back. I laughed quietly and began to walk in.
"Well, if you really want me that bad.." I walked in saying this. I had no intent but to drag her back to my house to where we could at least work on the project.. Then do whatever she wanted to.
I walked in the narrow corridor to the actual restroom area. I turned left and stood, shocked with horror. The site was unbearable.
There she lay, sprawled across the floor, her blood and entrails scattered and spread across the entire restroom. The crimson liquid was still oozing from her body without pulse. I ran to her side.
"No! Wake up! You can't die! No! No! NO!!" I pleaded to no avail.
I tried to feel a pulse in her throat, but it was nothing but a bloody gash of tissue and coagulation. I began to pull my hand away when I saw her bring a slight bit of air into her lungs.
She was alive.
"No! Don't die, keep moving!" I screamed, cried. None of this would help.
Her eyes moved, came to rest on mine. I read their expression. It was so simple, so plain. She wanted me to seek her revenge for her. She used her last strength to try and speak a phrase through her dessicated throat. All that came was a cacophony of gurgles and rasping in blood.
She died then.
I looked at her body now, sizing of the wounds. Her clothes had been cut free, and where the skin of her neck was still intact, smaller cut wounds showed. A blade had been held tightly to her throat.
Her private areas had been cut open, and the organs scattered. Her ovaries had been severed and you could see the billions of tiny egg cells that looked like one large tissue because they were so small.
I stared at her corpse.
Her chest had been cut down the middle, and her ribs exposed. You could see her heart under the muscles and bones from where her left breast had been peeled back from her actual body. The heart had several stab wounds.
"How did she live this long?" I thought.
I leaned close to her mutilated body, and smelt a sickening smell. Semen. It was sprayed all what was left of her chest, stomach, and private parts. It covered her intestinal tract and was leaking in a hole that had been cut into her stomach.
Not only had the murderer mutilated her body, he had stolen her virginity in her last moments of life, only to leave his seed sprayed all across her body. Whoever had did this was truly a sick and twisted soul.
I took her hand in mine, looking at what used to be. I remembered how she had been in life and now looked at what had become of her.. And so I wept..
I had sat there for hours, and thus I am here.
I took one last look at her body, then stood. This is when I saw the message on the mirror, now in her dried blood.
It said : Play time..
An arrow pointed down into the sink where a piece of paper lay. I took it and read : Play my quest young one. Your family is next, but which I shall not say. You have your chance to stop me, but soon it is you.. I suggest you take the bag in the restroom opposite.
Farewell Young one
I clenched the letter in my fist and gritted my teeth hard. Anger coursed through every inch of my body as I dashed for the men's restroom. Inside, I looked at the bag once more. This time I opened it. Inside, it had copy of my family tree, and marks next to each person. There was also a dagger, a knife, and a small vial. The vial was filled with a clear substance. The label read : Cyanide.
I took everything, and left the room. I stood in the entryway of the church and thought my final thought of my friend, who now lay dead in the restroom of this place. I had no time to call the police. I had to catch whatever had ran from those bushes. I was sure it was the killer.
And so I took off in the direction of those trees. Tall and menacing they were. Were they to be my final resting place? No one knew..
To be continued..
So guys? If you really read that, comment. I hope you like it..I'm considering actually writing that one out and making it a good one. I of course will need names for the two main characters currently known as "He and She" ^^;
Thanks if you really read it, but most of you probably won't. Actually, I think Sarah will read the whole thing..and if you do..TELL EVERYONE ELSE TO READ IT TOO! I DON'T CARE IF I CAN'T WRITE WORTH A CRAP! I'M GONNA BE AN AUTHOR/SINGER/GUITARIST SOMEDAY!! BROOHAHA!!
Chelsea was supposed to get on..but she didn't..damn it..
I'm tired guys..I'll see you all at school tomorrow..
I love you Chelsea, as I think you will read this..
Goodbye my friends..