Mar 09, 2004 21:15
Today was ok. I went to ashley's after school to do the math project, and finished. happy with myself. before we finished, we went for a little walk/ and there were these kids. one went by on a scooter. and i said hey, for like the first 5 times he went by. then he flicked me off! I yelled out "you piece of shit!" It was hilarious. then we got out of the tree we were sitting in, and another kid came by, and so i talked to him. he had gone by once before, and waved when i said hi, n he had on a palm harbor hooters shirt. so i talked to him for a little the first time, then talked to him after when we got out of the tree. he was nice. so then we walked by them, and those kids were such asses!!! they were rude and everything. they kept cursing at us. they are in 5th grade(we asked) and then the kid who flicked us off first(they all did at some point) came up on a scooter, and told us that the kid who was nice wanted to grab our asses!! omfg, i wanted to laugh so badly. i just stared at him. so we went back and asked if it was true. he looked ready to kill his friend. so then i asked how they learend all the curse words. they listen to rap. one was kinda cute, but ummm no thanks. ok, gotta read my meggi's now. ill have more later. of 5th period