Mar 01, 2007 03:04
I just feel like the weight of everything I really do not want to be dealing with right now is coming down full force. I really can't handle much right now. I'm a fragile, emotional mess. I'm way too anxious, so anxious I'm having heart palpitations again. And boy howdy, are they disconserting. Too many pieces to pick up, too many to put back together, and they definitely all cut me when I touch them. I'm doing my best to just keep going, and trudge through the rest of the semester, but I feel like I literally have so many manacles and chains attached to me, each with a ten pound weight, each one weighted with one more thing I can't get off of me... I feel like if just one of those things goes off the deep end, off the edge of the earth, they're all going to follow, cascading off the face of the planet, and drag me with them into oblivion. Yes. I am back to this. It hasn't been quite this bad in a while. For a while there, it was just the anxiety really getting to me, but now we've added back in the depression to boot. Kick my ass, life, I'm already down on the ground; it won't be too hard.