Aug 28, 2006 22:48
eh, sort of, for some reason today, i bought a new book to read, yay! 2 new pairs of chucks (hot pink high tops and blue slip ons, they are hott), 4 new shirts from gap and i bought one yesterday too, and some other stuff, including putting gas in my car. I have spent at least $150 today, and still have to pay $350 to my mother for books and such. oh man, haha oops! although i love my new shoes, and i want to wear some new shirts tomorrow! yay.
i have to do laundry, and clean my room and pack, really badly. stuff is everywhere in my room right now, i can barely sit on my bed because of all the crap that is on it...but i really don't feel like cleaning it off at this moment, lol updating my LJ appeals to me much more. i feel like i can't pack for school yet, i think all I really have left is my clothes, and that is hard to pack until like the last minute, because I wear my clothes everyday....I have 6 days left, but I can't just pick out outfits for each day, I don't work that way, lol oh man.
anyways, life is pretty good lately, alot, ALOT of working, i got called in at the last minute tonight to do shipping, 4 hours of lifting heavy boxed and running around putting new clothes on the rack to get put out on the floor. trying to get about 30 very large boxes done, by myself. i got all but about 5 done. at the end of the night, my manager walked back there, and was like, holy crap that is alot of men's clothes. so they can't complain that i didn't finish, they should have had someone else come in too. or not, i like diong stuff like that by myself. i can get it done quicker then if someone else was in my way, screwing up my organizational patterns. organizing like that, calms my brain down, its amazing like therapy for me. haha, so sad.
i haven't gotten to see my close friends nearly enough lately, i really do miss hanging out with them, especially a certain few who i really like having in my life. i don't know what i would do without them..they brighten any day up for me.
ok, i really need to go clean off my bed so i can at least sit on it without sitting on clothes. i can't find my harry potter sweatshirt, i'm freaking out! i love and miss that sweatshirt, its my favorite!!!!