Dec 16, 2002 04:27
Ok, first off I hate Christmas to begin with. No big deal...I generally cope and try to be as nice as possible so as not to ruin it for other people. This has always been my mom's favorite holiday, so I especially try for her. But this year is even worse than last year for me and last year I was going through a divorce!
The Normal Things I Hate About Xmas
1. Everyone being all fake and pretending they're happy and they like you when you know neither one is true.
2. It's celebrating someone's birthday who wasn't even born in Winter!
3. The fact that the damn Catholics decided it should be right after the Winter Solstice/Yule so it would be easier to convert the Pagans.
4. How commercialized it is...very few people ever remember the true meaning of it anyway.
5. All the fucking stores being over crowded and everyone being rude and fighting over stuff.
6. Having to visit relatives I don't even like, who don't understand me, and probably couldn't if they tried.
7. All the stupid Xmas music on the radio.
8. All the sappy movies they show on tv!
9. The fucking Salvation Army bell ringers! (Did you know that the Salvation Army discriminates against bi and homosexual employees? They aren't eligible for benefits like the straight employees are! And if they think you aren't straight, they don't hire you. Nice, huh?!)
10. How goddamned depressing the whole thing is!
That's all I can think of right now.
The Reasons I Hate Xmas Even More This Year
1. The stores started putting out Xmas stuff before Halloween! Halloween is my fav holiday of all time and I couldn't even celebrate it this year without having to see all the damned Xmas decorations in the stores!
2. This is my first Xmas in 3 years that Eli and I aren't least we could hate it together.
3. The toy I had my heart set on getting for Devin is no where to be found. I've tried everything...even Ebay! I even went to the manufacturer's web site. No body carries it anymore.
4. It honestly feels more fake than usual.
5. This will be my first Xmas that I don't get to even talk to my Grandmother cause she's dead.
6. Other than my immediate family, I don't know if I'm going to get to celebrate it with anyone else I really want just hasn't been mentioned yet. I won't get my hopes up.
7. I know I'm not going to get the one thing I really want for Xmas...if you really want to know what it is then email me at I can't/shouldn't talk about it here.
I know there's more, but I can't think of all of them now.
What Finally Pushed Me Over The Edge This Year
I was trying. I was trying so hard! I almost gave up on trying to be cheerful over not being able to find the toy for Devin, but I persevered. So since I can't sleep tonight I decide to start putting up the white Xmas tree my parents found for me so I can do a faery themed Xmas tree. So I put it up and decide my purple glass ball ornaments would look really pretty on it. So I grab those and start putting them on there. Well, I didn't have enough hooks. No big deal...I can get some from my mom tomorrow. So I leave it as is and come back to the computer. Then I hear the soft sound of kitty paws playing with one of the ornaments. I scream at Pumonca and rush out to the landing just in time to see him swat it across the landing and onto the stairs where it breaks into many little pieces. *sigh* I rush down the stairs to shoo him away from the shards he's already trying to play with. I pick them all up (best I can) and throw them away. I can't vacuum though since my parents and lil brother are all I have to hope I got them all up and that no one ends up with glass in their foot. So I come back up stairs, close the game room door, and proceed to get back on this damned contraption. As I'm sitting down I hear the same soft sound of paw on ornament. Before I can even get out of the chair I hear the second ornament break! So I go and pick those shards up, throw them away, and take all the other ornaments off the tree before he can break them too. And as I'm cleaning up the second ornament, guess what sweet lil Pumonca is doing? Trying to play with yet another ornament! So now I've completely given up on trying to be even remotely cheerful about Xmas and I'm pretty sure my hands are decently cut from the shards. Nice, huh?! *sigh* I should probably just go to bed. Wish I could sleep...