May 28, 2009 19:26
No pictures yet, but I just brought home my new dog, Levi. I adopted him from the local shelter. And in the 8 hours that he has been 'my' dog, we've already had a number of surprises.
The first surprise... He likes to spray things. Okay not so much a surprise - he's a boy dog that was neutered as an adult... But right now, he doesn't differentiate my chair in the living room from the bush outside. So he is now tethered to my waist with a 6 foot leash so he does not leave my SIGHT until I know he's gotten past all the spraying.
I've learned he has two speeds, ON and OFF. Fortunately I think I did pretty well wearing him out with activities and play so he is now "OFF" for a while, but he turns on again in the blink of an eye - or a twitch of Sasha's whiskers.
I've learned new dogs cost a LOT of money. Which I knew, but still didn't expect the $400 Petsmart bill. On top of the vet bill and the adoption fee.
I've learned that he is NOT in fact a 3-5 year old dog as I was told, but instead he is about a year old. As in, he's still a PUPPY. Which leads in to:
I've learned that he is probably a Black Lab-NewFoundland Mix. I knew the black lab. Not the Newfie... And Newfies are HUGE. Coupled with the fact that he is still a puppy... It means my 75 pound puppy is going to fill out more. My vet estimates that it will be on the order of another 10-20 pounds more.
I wanted a dog who would be different from Angel. I got that and sooo much more.