Jun 06, 2008 19:45
I forgot what passing out feels like, although I managed not to lose conciousness, its the closest I've come to it in a long time. Its 87 degrees F out - I haven't had a lot to eat or drink today. And I went to a party with much standing around in the warm air. Oh and I'm on my period. The combination almost proved too much, but the one thing that I've learned from years of dizzy spells is what the cues are the conciousness is slipping, so I know how to sit, to put my head between my legs and the like to stave off unconciousness - but today I could feel the thread of conciousness that I was holding onto even while sitting. I dont even know how to describe it - but I definately felt the conciousness slipping away and held onto it as tightly as possible. Because passing out at an office party? Would not be so good.