Drabble: It Ain't Me (Babe)

Mar 08, 2009 13:22

Written for the 8th challenge over at bsg_100

Title: It Ain’t Me (Babe)
Characters/Pairings: Saul/Caprica
Rating: K
Spoilers: season four
Prompt: Bob Dylan song titles
Word Count: 100

He doesn’t know how to talk to her after Liam. Not that he did before.

“You can stay if you want,” he tells her, gesturing to the quarters they still share. “But you and I…it’s not gonna be how we planned.”

Caprica says nothing.

“What I’m saying is, I’m not the guy,” Saul continues, frustrated at not being able to better communicate how he feels. “I’m not the one you want. I’m not the one you need.”

He stops, tired, angry and sad. Caprica touches his cheek and pulls him closer, their foreheads meeting.

“Yes,” she says. “You are.”

caprica/tigh, fic, bsg

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