Mar 03, 2006 20:04
i'll clear my throat then begin...the only problem is clearing my throat is where i must begin in order to insure that the public my friends and amigos my family my loves my dreams and what i'd like to refer to as problems know the truth...
i drank hot teas and coffees, i drank some warm potion that a one eyed man on the street made for me( which made me grow some back hair by they way)yet i still can't seem to keep it down
now recently as some may know i had a serious issue with explosions destruction and last but certainly not least the leaking...
now i know i made mess especially when people insisted on walking through around and over this mess, but rest assure i have been working day and night working my self to the brink of insanity trying to clean up my mess and i've found that a brillo pad and some good old fashion elbow grease is not all you need for such a case, yet still I will remain diligent until everything is whole again
On another note
i've found that though i believe that what one perceives to be true is reality to them, that doesn't make up for the times when reality makes itself apparent. as hard as one might try and as clearly as they think they can see something, nothing is for sure and if something seems too good to be true or seems like its undeserved it, it’s probably is. So basically what i've learned recently is what i've known all along and what will continue to be true for me
yet for some reason i don't think i'll ever learn my lesson becasue the bliss of my false existance is worth the dark fall of my reality and nothing can change that... maybe just rear it head every once in a while