(no subject)

Apr 25, 2005 16:10

Today's entry is dedicated to that crazy, neo-hippie, hardcore homeless guy that stands by the corner of Kash N' Karry near my house and has insane 'rock-out' sessions. Seriously, this guy is awesome. He stands on the sidewalk listening to headphones connected to NOTHING during red lights, and as soon as the light turns green, HE RUNS OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF TRAFFIC TO HARDCORE DANCE! I know that homeless people don't usually have computers and/or internet access, but if you can see this somehow, I just want you to know that you're my effin' hero...Lets dance sometime?


So I found out something that I perceive as cool. A while ago, some new people moved into the lot next to ours. After everything was finished and they moved in, they put up a huge privacy fence all around their lot. Every time I saw these people doing something like going for a walk with their baby, I'd wave at them, but they'd never wave back. Actually, the FIRST time I acknowledged them, the husband (I'm guessing) waved back with a big smile on his face. For some reason, his wife hit him for this and shot him a very mean look. They did this exact same thing to the rest of the neighbors...The ones that had kids at least. I was kinda angry about that, so I starting thinking, "Fine, if they want to act like they are better than the people here, we will have to show them that they are not." So I pretty much started making life for them alot harder. I came to realize, they DON'T think that they are better than everyone else. The wife hit her husband for waving back to me because as it turns out, the guy is a sexual predator and is not allowed to have any contact with minors. The privacy fence wasn't put up to protect them, but to protect the CHILDREN of the neighborhood from coming in his yard and therefore being molested. I knew he was a sexual predator before because everyone in Spring Hill has warned me repeatedly about this. Don't worry all, I'm not going to get brutally raped. I don't think Matthew will either.....

Well, actually....--


Favorite confession from today's http://www.grouphug.us : "Stupid people should be dragged into the street and shot. And just to save us the bother of dealing with them even more they should be convinced to do it themselfs.

I seriously think some people are capable of being convinced to do that, too."

(Ahh, so you think stupid people should and CAN BE convinced to kill 'themselfs'. Let's test that theory. I just heard of this AWESOME game you should play! Go out into the street an--...)
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