Round #26 - Info

Dec 01, 2011 02:01

Sign ups are still open. There is only 3 sign ups so please sign up if you haven't already or tell your friends!!!

Remember this is a free choice round and it is also a short one. 10 icons total.

- All icons must be newly made for this community & fit LJ standards.
- No pre-made bases may be used. The entire icon must be new for this round.
- Please do not upload your icons onto Fanpop.
- Please save all of your icons in the same format!!
- Submit your entries as a new entry to this community. You must be a member to post!!
- If you want to post at your own journal (which I encourage), post 3 teaser icons and link here. Also make sure your entry to your icon journal is public until the winners are posted.
- Use the table provided please. You may change the colors of course but keep the themes in order.
- Let me know if you want a participation banner when you post your entry. If you don't say if you want one or not, I'll assume you don't want one.
- I'll be putting in the tags manually after you submit your entry so you don't have to worry about it.
- Put in the subject of your entry: Round #26 - Your username
- Everything must be completed by Monday, December 12th by 11:59 PM in your timezone...Friday, December 16th by 11:59 PM in your timezone....Monday, December 26th by 11:59 PM in your timezone

Here are the themes & categories:

List of participants {still open!}.

(5) Themes: faceless, female, green, love, male

(5) Artist's Choice:






info, round26