Does true love really mean having kids?

Apr 17, 2013 11:27

Overheard a conversation on a social network. One woman said that "when you truly love a man, you want kids with him". She was passionate about making her point. According to her if a man doesn't want kids with the woman he doesn't really love her either. Because love is supposed to be fruitful which means... yes, kids.

I was about to start convincing her that she was wrong, actually very wrong, but finally decided not to. It would have turned into a fight, no doubt, and made me stressed.

Instead I came here to ask, what do you think about it, guys?
What would have you answered if someone said something like 'oh, you if don't want kids with them it means you don't really love the person. Wait till you meet a right person, you'll want kids'?

relationships, marriage, married and cf

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