Kids blowing $600 on freemium mobile games inciting government interference.
(text below cut for the linkphobic)
As an avid gamer and indie game developer, I'm really sick of stories like this popping up in the news all the time.
Like that case that got thrown out earlier this year when
parents in California tried to sue Apple over their kid
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That 9 year old is spending a LOT of time on the iPad if she can rack up that amount in 3 days. Hey, mom - if you're so worried over the games being "addicting" and "personality changing": guess what! No 9 year old needs an iPad!
This. Fuck, I'm 27 and I didn't feel the need to buy an iPad!
(Ever notice how the Kindle Fire, and Samsung Galaxy tabs don't seem to get as much hate from the entitled parents as iPads do?)
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