so i'm sure most of you have heard of the controversy by now over
Ben and Jerry's newest flavor, Schweddy after some Saturday Night Live skit.
and cue the parent groups who now whine, bitch and demand stores ban it because God forbid the name hint at adult humor.
oh and this gem of idiocy:
"The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive. Not exactly what you want a child asking for at the supermarket" (on the website of the dumbasses demanding the ban)
because it's SO DIFFICULT to have the answer to "mom/dad/aunt/uncle/grandma, what's schweddy balls mean?" to be "honey, you don't need to know because that's humor for grown-ups only" and drop the subject. :eyeroll:
at least the parent quoted at the end of the article has some brains in her head.