Jul 07, 2011 02:48
Does anyone recall an entry that was posted here detailing someone's vasectomy experience? I recall it being very frank and humourous. I've checked the applicable tags, and I've gone through a large chunk of the archives, but it's starting to feel like a needle in the haystack.
I'm looking for it because the topic of vasectomy has been coming up a bit more lately between me and my Sexy Man-Friend. I've always been very adamant that he didn't have to get a vasectomy, since he's a bit closer to being a fence-sitter, while I'm so far from it that the fence might as well be on a different continent. I'm a big believer that I should take responsibility for my own body, lest some male politician decides he should instead. Unfortunately, hormonal birth control has been problematic for me lately, and while I've been badgering my doctor about Essure, I get the feeling she's giving me the runaround. The first time I brought it up, she hadn't heard of the procedure. The next time I brought it up, she still didn't know what I was talking about, but I brought a list of doctors in my city who can perform it. She was going to refer me, but I've heard nothing about it in the months since. Sooooo, Sexy Man-Friend has been considering getting a vasectomy, which might be easier for him, what with him being male and almost 30. (Lucky for us, both vascectomies and Essure are covered under our provincial health care plan) Understandably, he's a bit squeamish about the procedure, and I was hoping to track down that post, since it was amusingly educational.
Thanks in advance!
sterilization choices,