Exaggerating the joys of parenting

Mar 04, 2011 10:16

I'm still very glad I have this LJ community to post things like this article to. I think the moomoos on my Facebook would have a shitfit if they saw me post it there (I get more actual content on LJ, anyway). The article kind of reminds me when someone vehemently denies being an addict or something.

Mom & Dad Kid Themselves Over the Joy of ParentingAre the long nights and financial burdens of parenting really worth the emotional benefits? New research is saying no: When confronted with the real economic costs of having children, most parents will exaggerate their happiness to validate their choice to have children.

"Many people believe that to be truly fulfilled in life, it is necessary to experience the joys of parenthood. Children are considered an essential source of happiness, satisfaction, and pride," Richard Eibach and Steven Mock of the University of Waterloo, wrote of their study in the March 2 issue of the journal Psychological Science. "However, the idea that parenthood involves substantial emotional rewards appears to be something of a myth."

But, times are changing. Since the 1920s, the economic value of having children has been dropping fast. Children can no longer work on farms or bring home paychecks, and they demand more financial support than ever before, the researchers say.

being childfree, reasons to be childfree, realization, childfree

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