It's been a week with the new kittehs and Little is adjusting really, really well. #^_^#
For the most part, it seems like he is intimidated by the kitten's seemingly inexhaustible energy. He loves to sit up on the bed or on a box, out of the path of kitten destruction, and watch them play. Occasionally reaching down a hesitant paw to pat at them when they fly by.
Yesterday, Sebastian jumped up on the bed with Little and they both gave each other a soft lick on the face. Then Sebastian proceeded to attack Little's tail. Little gave him a warning growl and several pats on the face, but he didn't get up and leave. Just a friendly warning from grandpa to leave the tail alone. ;)
Little has been such a trooper. He's such a freaking smart cat...I'm so proud of him for accepting the kittens so easily.