warning: may collapse on impact

Feb 14, 2008 10:47

I should totally be out with clients right now, but I'm stuck by the phone waiting for a client to call me back so I can pick up a check from him. I just got my commission sheet back from January. It totally sucked. Luckily I am still in the probationary period so I'm not in trouble, and my sales for February are already a huge improvement over January. So I feel better, but I'm getting about half the commission as I did last month. Suuucccckyyyy.

Tonight, Jake and I are going to the opening night showing of Hairspray. I have a new dress and shoes and stuff, and Jake is wearing his suit. We'll look sharp, and we'll take photos. It will be great. Afterwards, we are staying at the Westmark hotel, drinking cheap champagne and room service. Oh yes. Awesome.

Tomorrow is my "patriots day" holiday, so I have a three day weekend. I sorely need it. However, I won't get to sleep in because I have a root canal at 9.45am. Lame.

I am so busy. My boss told me today that she doesn't know how I'm even able to function. Here we go with a list of everything I'm doing, again, and then you'll see why I'm blogging less:

Deadlines at work this month:
Visitors Guide, which I finally made goal on
Coupon Book
Regular newspaper ads
AK Healthy Living Magazine
House to Home Magazine
Iditarod Book
All of these projects have goals that I'm required to meet. All of them deadline within days of each other. And next month, it's more of the same....

I'm exactly two weeks from opening night of my play. TWO WEEKS. I have no set yet, the costumes aren't finished, I'm short on about half my props, my actors are still using scripts sometimes, and I don't know any of my damn lines for the second weekend. STRESS.

I am exactly one month away from the National Archery Tournament. I need to bring my scores up about 20 points to be in the running for that trophy. Right now, I'm breaking target panic, poor posture, and dropping my bow on my shots. Three major problems and a month to break them and get my head in the game. I actually have a chance at winning this one and I don't want to blow it.

I'm taking two classes. I'm behind in all my reading and watching the class lectures for my telecourse. None of the assignments have a due date yet, so I'm not really behind on anything, but I'm slacking. I hate slacking. Once the show is over I can really concentrate on my schoolwork, but......fuck. I have eight books to read from start to finish, one term paper to write, two midterms, two finals, three plays to see, some other paper to write, 6 quizzes to take online.....I am never taking an online class again. I should have learned my lesson with my awesome C in Ethics class, but nope. I'm a glutton for punishment and dooming myself to mediocrity.

I'm getting up every morning and going straight to work, because I'm not getting up early enough to exercise or have a decent breakfast because I'm so tired. Then I shoot on my lunch hour and don't have time to really eat, and then I go straight from work to rehearsal and barely have time to eat something before I go to bed when I get home. I'm exhausted. I'm stressed. I amd trying to do all of these things while still being a good friend to all my loved ones, attempt to keep my house from falling apart because of clutter, and maintain a good relationship with my husband. I'm trying not to displace my stress and frustration on to him, but it's so difficult.

I'm trying to launch my Arbonne business and get it rolling, trying to promote to District Manager by the end of the month. I don't think it's going to happen this month, which SUCKS. But, there's nothing I can do about it, and I can always get it done by the end of March, just with a higher sales requirement. But I don't feel like I can dedicate the time to it that I want to dedicate because I have so many other things going on right now.....

Oh, and I'm also in the Rotary club now, which means that there are thousands of community projects I'm taking part in or going to or organizing.

I have a headache. I need to be out of the office working so I can shoot for an hour before I have to come back to the office at 1.30 to watch the phones. I also need to pick up Batman and drop him off at my mother's house, grab Jake's beard trimmer from the bathroom while I'm at home, stop and buy something sexy to sleep in tonight, make sure that all my work is done before I leave so none of my clients get screwed over while I'm gone tomorrow, and at some point buy something to eat because I'm already starving.

Don't get me wrong, I love being busy, but...fuck!
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