Jan 06, 2008 07:37
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
Nothing is perfect..despite our vain attempts. I hate how my brother feels... because I remember how much it hurt. I am not in any way "ready" or "qualified" to be the one to break the news to him but, who else is left?....No one has the answers to the questions you are asking today, and no...They absolutely do not have the answers to the questions that lay ahead. You have every right in the world to be so fuckin angry... because it simply is not fair.. But know this, no matter how angry you get... that will not change the present...It is was it is.
No matter how badly we want answers...I'm just not certain they even exist anymore. The answer to my own question is something I have been sent to find by myself. But I cannot, in good will, send a sixteen year old to find his answers on his own...not yet. How do you protect someone who has already seen so much?
How do I fill her shoes?
How do I make it easy for him?
How do I make it easy for me?
All of the following...duh.