Okay, so I guess Argent said it best when I came home today from the market. Yes, as far as I'm concerned, we are literally taking in strays. Six in fact. One black, one grey, three kind of patchy and this...well...kind of random one that I think isn't really one of the liter, but I'm suspecting is trying its hardest to blend in and sort of failing. That one is, well, definitely not a looker, but Argent seems to like him well enough and has already got into the habit of calling him KC (which I suspect stands for "kitty cat"). It's almost kind of cute. No, wait. What am I saying? It's so cute I had a spasm.
Anyways, so now that I've taken on this burden of fuzzy adorable, I'm wondering if there's anybody out there who's willing to help lighten the load. I think They say petting an animal every day lowers your blood pressure! So you'll live longer. Besides, who can resist the siren song of a kitten? Especially when they're all fluffy and just a little poofball with legs.
So! A proposition. If you're interested, you can swing by our place, just drop a line so that you know that one of us is going to be home. When you arrive, expected or not, a knock on the door is a requirement. Other than that, here's to hoping these little guys find good homes.
Oh, and Fullmetal gets first dibs. the black one's taken folks. No more ninja kitty to claim.
[ ooc :: In his search of the back alleys of the Marketplace to find a cat like he'd promised Fullmetal, Throne stumbled across
a small litter, which he quickly gathered up and brought home in a cardboard box. He's hoping to give all of the kittens away, except for
the one ugly one, whom Argent seems to have taken a secret shining to. An open log will be posted momentarily for any takers. ]