:: journal two : post one :: notes to myself ::

Jul 10, 2008 17:27

[ ooc :: throne's handwriting is the same as always, though there are several pen taps on the page roughly near where his entry begins ]

Note to self:  Never lose your journal again.

Especially not when B is lounging about the house all day, raiding G's wardrobe and scrounging your food.  Otherwise, you'll have nothing to distract yourself from all of the kissy-face nursing going on.  I can't tell who I'm more jealous of, but something tells me if I had a tummy ache, nobody'd be mooning over me.  Also, this robs you of your only real method of wingeing to the Sphere about just how often that bampot makes you go out to grab milk for his tea.  Pip pip.

And apparently, when it rains it pours, and your journal isn't the only thing missing right now. So be glad it's just your journal, you thankless ass, and not someonething else.

PS.  Seriously, though.  Don't lose your journal.

PPS.  No joke.

!trust, !bold, !crow, !bastet, recycle me for all i care, !nova, you made this bed, with a straight face, !argent, !drake, dark eyes dark hair pale skin, !want

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