:: post six :: sound and noise and memory ::

Jun 28, 2008 17:25

Okay, so that was officially the longest hour of my life.  Granted, I don't have much to compare it with -- given the fact my memories only start about a month back, but still.  Nothing makes time go more slowly when you're at the mercy of technology.  I mean, is the whole "elevator has a mind of its own" thing normal for this place?  All I wanted was to get the hell out of dodge and off of that boat once and for all, and the elevator is totally like "Oh no, buddy, not on my watch, you don't!"  And instead of going back to the housing levels, we end up on the fourth floor.

Now.  To be honest, I didn't think there was a fourth floor in this place.  I mean, calling it "The City Without Shape" totally gives it this epic legend vibe -- you know?  Like the kind of thing you heard in stories.  Fairy tales, urban legends -- those sorts of things.  Well, apparently, there is a fourth floor, and let me tell you it's as weird as the rest of this place.

Note to self:  Make sure you're not on the first elevator back up the tree, the next time a giant fire ant apocalypse rolls into town.  Just in case the elevator decides it wants to get frisky.   NEVER AGAIN NEVER AGAIN NEVER AGAIN.

Also -- Snow Walker Snow, are you out there, buddy?  After the light show, I was all on my own again.  And I want to make sure you're okay.

can't get you out of my head, the city without shape, elelator goes down the hole

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