:: post three :: the streets go east to west.

Jun 07, 2008 14:41

The strangest thing.

I think I know this place.

At first, I was like, "Oh a city, I know what that is," but everywhere I go, I feel this tickling on the back of my brain, but nothing I do can really place it.  Every time I turn a corner, I get this feeling of de ja vu, like I half expect to know what's round the bend.  But before I remember what I'm about to see, I lose the thought.  Just slips through my fingers.  It's kind of totally driving me insane.

As I walk around all by myself, I keep saying to myself, "the streets go east to west, the avenues go north to south."  I didn't really think anything of it at first until I realized that it's totally true.  Hard to get lost in a place so clearly mapped out, but I guess that was the point when they made it.

In other news, I finally got my first taste of the Scrapyard.  I managed to get my grubby hands on the following.

- A beat up messenger bag with the strap buckle broken
- A bag of glass marbles, all of them cracked
- A pair of red shoes with the laces missing
- A pocket knife that will no longer shut closed
- A bolt of stained red silk
- A vaguely familiar painting cut from its frame

The bag and the shoes are actually doing wonders for my state of mind.  Something about having both of them on me makes me feel kind of secure.

the spoils of war, when in doubt make a list, !argent, the wilderness is a city, !mirror, !sight

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